Keep your photography knowledge sharp by tuning into these YouTubers. Here are the best Photography Youtubers you should check out in 2022.
Whenever you type in a camera model into youtube, hoping to find a solid video filled with rich information, you are instead flooded with multiple videos that appease the YouTube algorithm, with such hits like “Is X better than X,” “Why I stopped using X.” It’s very clickbait-y, and although these videos are often presented by different photography YouTubers, they all often have the same voice.
This is why I try to avoid big photography YouTubers who push out the same type of stylistic content you expect from them week in and week out, with no change or personal connection to their audience.
Well, over the past few months, I’ve recently started discovering channels that not only give me an honest breakdown of new and old products, what type of gear they use, and techniques on how to achieve a specific look, but they also give us an insight into their life but do it in such a style that its fresh, clean and cinematic to watch.
Faizal Westcott
Westcott is a YouTuber who I found while searching up reviews of the X100V (which I bought shortly after); he is a street photographer based in the US. His videos have this calming, soothing vibe, which I admire. They don’t feel rushed and are perfectly well-paced, with examples of shots he’s taken on the topic of the video. Most of the content consists of the Fujifilm brand of cameras with a sprinkling of “how to” videos to help you improve and take note of how to shoot different styles of street photography.
Serr (serrvillasano) was also another channel when I jumped down the rabbit hole trying to find all the information about my X100V purchase; I discovered his Fujifilm film simulation recipes beautiful, and honestly, watching the video at the time, I was just in amazement on the images he produced within these simulations.
Serr nails how to produce a high-quality youtube video with his thoughts and opinions on the best you can get out of a Fujifilm camera, how to emulate film, and how to capture a scene or moment. His incorporation of music alongside the visuals produced on-screen shows that he cares about putting his clean, colorful minimal style onto the platform.
Though he doesn’t post super regularly, every upload is shot and edited with love, care, and purpose to the message he’s trying to give to the audience.
Samuel Streetlife
Samuel is a traveling street photographer from Hamburg, Germany. His channel is full of photography-related content regarding street photography, from his honest reviews of the latest small form factor cameras to traveling worldwide for photography meetups and sit-down conversations about improving your workflow or techniques. The channel was his idea to show his love for street and documentary photography and share his knowledge and explorations worldwide.
Samuel is an honest, fun, wholesome guy who shows it off in his run-and-gun style of shooting video and photo.
Aidin Robbins
Though Aidin is primarily a filmmaker hailing from North and South Carolina, his content does feature photography elements such as how to achieve moody photographs within forests/mountains or shoot in harsh weather conditions. Nature is his playground, and the work he posts not only on youtube but on Instagram is truly spectacular.
The videos are filmed and edited to perfection with some incredible color grading skills Aidin has honed in on over the years, and his script writing/voice-over matches seamlessly with what we see on screen.
His mantra is that it’s not the gear that defines who you are as a creative, but choosing the correct equipment that fits your needs for what you are shooting, no matter how dated the version of your lens or camera is, technique, planning, timing, and execution will consistently achieve the best results.
Jason of grainydays is a true delight to watch, he’s funny and charming, and his message in all of his videos is that FILM IS NOT DEAD. He shows us that even though digital is more accessible and easier to shoot and edit, nothing will beat the process of film.
The channel takes us all around the world and, even just in his apartment, focuses on all different shapes and sizes of the world of film photography, from 35mm to medium format. Jason gives us his honest, hands-on impressions and results with everything he does.
If you want to get back into film photography or know more about particular film stock, then grainydays is a superb channel to follow.
I wanted to throw GxAce into this list because the content’s production and quality is insane; this cyberpunk/neon/robotic aesthetic he’s achieved in his videos is unique and stands on his own amongst the hundreds of photographers/filmmakers making gear-based review content. I don’t think I need to say more about his channel, but you must check him out!
Smash That Like Button
Just these channels alone have helped me improve how I approach photography and the creative mindset I should strive to be at. It takes time, and nothing happens overnight but watching these channels gives me the inspiration to go out and shoot for myself, gain that confidence to better my work, improve my portfolio and overall have fun with the art of capturing moments.

Check them out, subscribe to them, or give them a follow on Instagram.
Cover image licensable by Lewis McGregor/Shutterstock